Kenosha Junior Woman's Club

Welcome to the Kenosha Junior Woman's Club

Below are some of the things we do in our community and socially as a club:
Each year, the KJWC solicits donations from local businesses to be auctioned or raffled off at our major fundraising events. Funds raised from these events are used towards the KJWC Scholarship Fund, or if decided by the KJWC during a club year, an organization outside of the KJWC that is a charitable, local organization that contributes to the welfare of the community, be it not for profit social programs, history or preservation or specific community projects.
As an organization dedicated to community improvement our charitable works include fundraising, community projects, recognition for community service and social events. There are many charitable projects our club initiates and implements. We also participate in other community events organized by other clubs and organizations (i.e. Relay for Life organized by the American Cancer Society).
Keep Kenosha Beautiful
Keep Kenosha Beautiful is a program in which we participate in cleaning up a city park. Washington Park has been our target for the past several years and last year club members and their families recycled 18 lbs and disposed of 45 lbs of trash from the park. We have chosen the first Saturday morning every month throughout the warm weather season. Members are encouraged to bring along family members, including children and grandchildren, to help out. Garbage bags and gloves are provided.
Woodsy Owl Program
Caring, friendly, and wise, Woodsy Owl is a whimsical fellow and he's got his heart set on motivating kids to form healthy, lasting relationships with nature. As Woodsy flies across our land, he encourages youngsters to marvel at and explore the natural world, even in the city. His motto "Lend a Hand - Care for the Land!" encourages everyone to make a positive difference in their world.
The Forest Service is introducing children to this fanciful creature. Woodsy is coming to you with simple, hands-on land stewardship activities--and there's so much more ahead.
Woodsy would love to be a part of your school or after-school curriculum. To arrange to have Woodsy visit your school, contact KJWC at
Community Walks and Runs
We keep updated on the walks and runs in the area in which we can participate and those who wish to run or walk to raise money for other charities in Kenosha and surrounding areas may sign up and take pledges to help out. Club members are also asked to assist in administrative preparation or on-site.
Soup Kitchen
Once a month, (usually the second Sunday of the month) KJWC members can serve soup and sandwiches at the Soup Kitchen in Kenosha at the Shalom Center. Hours are from 4pm to 6:30pm.
Citizenship Awards
Every year, we award Citizenship Awards to a boy and girl from each Kenosha elementary school graduating from Grade 5 and from Grade 8. Students are selected by their teachers and principal based on their outstanding character, service and leadership. Kenosha Junior Women’s Club members present the awards usually at the school’s year-end assembly.
Theodora Youmans Citizenship Award
The Theodora Youmans Citizenship Award is presented annually by the Wisconsin Federation of Women’s Clubs to a Wisconsin woman who has made the most notable contribution to good citizenship during the previous year. If you know of someone you would like to nominate for the Theodora Youmans Citizenship Award please e-mail us at:
Chili Night
One of our social events is known as Chili Night and is held in the Fall at a member’s home. Spouses, relatives or friends are welcome. Club members sign up to bring a sampling of their favorite Chili receipt, appetizer or dessert. This is a fun, relaxing evening with a chance to meet in an informal setting with our friends.
Summer BBQ
Another of our social events is our Summer BBQ at a member’s home. Families and friends are welcome as well. Club members sign up to bring their favorite potluck dish. This is a fun, relaxing day to meet outside of our regular club year.
Ornament Exchange
Members can participate in an ornament exchange at our holiday party in December. Everyone who would like to participate brings a wrapped ornament to put under the tree. This is a fun way to give and receive new tree ornaments.